When you set up your account for the first time, you need to set up your domain records in order to start sending email. We’ll be sending email on your behalf, so we need to verify that you own the domain you’re sending from.

Here’s how to set it up in just a few steps.

Step 1: Navigate to your domain settings page

Go to Settings -> Domain and click View records (or click this link to go directly).

Step 2: Set up your records

On this page, you’ll see a few things.

Your records

These are SPF, DKIM and MX records that need to be set up in your domain zone editor inside of your domain registrar like Namecheap, Google Domains, AWS, Godaddy or elsewhere.

Next to each record is a clipboard icon. You can use this to copy the records to your clipboard and easily paste them into your domain registrar.

Your sending domain

This is indicated below by “yourcompany.com”. This will have your domain listed. If you’d like to change domains, just contact Adam (adam@cocoonmail.com) and we’ll set up new records for you.

A verify records button

Once you have copied your records to your registrar, click this button to verify they have been set up correctly.

Step 3: Add your domain records

Copy and paste the records one by one into your registrar.

You want to use the Type (indicated as TXT, CNAME and MX) in setting up your records, not the title of the record e.g. SPF, DKIM, MX.

Cocoonmail’ records for SPF are at envelope.sendingdomain.com, meaning they won’t collide with any other SPF records you have set up. We specify a DMARC record so that you have one, but you can also just have a single DMARC at the root domain level.

Make sure you enter the “Priority” while setting up your MX record. In most registrars this is done by formatting it like “10 ”. Occasionally you will be asked to place it on a separate line. Just make sure to read the instructions on the page as you set up your MX record and if you have any questions, just ping adam@cocoonmail.com

Step 4: Verify your records are set up correctly

After you have copied and pasted your records into your domain registrar, click Verify Records at the bottom of the page to check your configuration is correct.

Sometimes records can take up to an hour to propagate across all the servers. During that time you may see different records validate. This is totally normal, just check back later.

If the domain is set up correctly, you should see a page like the one below. If not, check back soon; sometimes records can take some time to propagate.

Notice the “Records present” in green next to each record section.

Confused or have questions? Just shoot us an email 🙂